Authentic Leadership

Leadership that is sustainable

In our fast moving and ever transforming world the global footprints and influence of a business are paramount to its success. Businesses need to execute a mode-of-operation in the present that extends into the distant future and provides sustainability. Long term success is predicated on leaders and teams thriving and exceeding expectations. As leaders, a major factor we should consider and practice is Authentic Leadership. Authenticity in the workplace has been surveyed and shown to increase satisfaction and productivity. This survey was done anonymously during a 2021 Leadership Development Conference. Clearly, being authentic in the work place is advantageous for business.

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I believe that this type of environment can be maintained, starting with leadership. An authentic leader is not one that merely shows up with an attitude of “Ok, I am here – this is just who I am – it’s your problem to deal with.” To the contrary, an authentic leader shows up to be the best version of themselves and is constantly learning and improving. There are many characteristics of an authentic leader but consider just these few and the effect that this type of leader has on their team:


An authentic leader is keenly aware of their strengths, weakness, triggers, passions, values, work goals and personal goals. They know who they are and even though they seek to improve, they are comfortable with themselves. This comfort breeds security and confidence that radiates out to the team. It’s easy for this type of leader to respect, encourage and support their team members. Except for mitigating circumstances, an authentic leader always shows up as themselves.

The Team Effect:
Team members have tangible evidence of support, they feel respected by the leader.


Integrity is being oneself all of the time. Integrity does not vacillate according to feelings, stress levels or circumstance. An authentic leader demonstrates integrity by being honest and consistent in their communication and behavior. They do not say one thing and then do another. They do not bash their team to others. An authentic leader's choices and behavior lines up with their values. This type leader admits their mistakes and gracefully accepts the mistakes of others. They set a standard and model positive behavior.

The Team Effect:
Team members know what to expect from the leader and have an irrefutable model and standard for the team to replicate.


An authentic leader is not fearful of being transparent. This type of leader is willing to risk vulnerability because the rewards greatly outweigh any perceived losses. They view transparency as a bridge to communication, problem solving, and productivity. While it may not be easy, an authentic leader will engage in difficult conversation and wade through grueling situations . In addition this type of leader praises and commends their team members as deserved.

The Team Effect:
Team members are informed and no one feels left out. Team member are enabled to make significant contributions and they take ownership in the success of the team.

As leaders we owe it to ourselves and our teams to always show up authentically. We have little to lose and so much to gain. Leaders and teams that thrive propel businesses to succeed for years to come.

Written by Kenya Carl 4/13/22